
Premium. Grass-Fed. Beef.

Our Belief

Why Grass-Fed?
For those who have been searching for a safe, identifiable, and healthy food source, grass-fed beef is the answer.
An organic label does not guarantee that an animal has not been fed grain. Grass-fed (and grass-finished) beef is superior in nearly every aspect—nutrition, flavor, and eco-friendliness—to grain-fed beef.
Producer Profile
The Stockman Grass Farmer magazine recently featured T & T Cattle and Lost Wells Cattle Co. in their producer profile section. Click here to view the article. It`s a short-and-sweet...
Livestock Minerals
We get a lot of questions about the minerals we use and why. Below is a good summary of what we use, where we get if from, and why we use it. This is copied from an AD from Grass Farmer...
Cattle Selection
Longevity is the single-most important selection trait for livestock producers. It`s easy to see why. Longevity incorporates all the other traits: fertility, soundness, efficiency,...