
Grass-Based Genetics
T & T Cattle focuses on grass-based genetics that is moderate, fertile, functional, and efficient. Our cattle are low-input and perform well on the grass with minimal supplementation.
As production and input costs increase, it will be imperative to have cattle that can “do it all” on grass. Our cattle are not “survival” cattle; they excel on grass and exhibit great fleshing ability with an attractive phenotype.
They are predominately registered Red Angus, but we also have some Angus, SimAngus, and Hereford genetics

Herd Sires
We demand more from our bulls than our cows—and for good reason. Bulls have a more significant impact on the herd than a cow ever could. We expect eight producing years out of a bull and 30-50 calves per year. That’s an average of 320 calves over their lifetime.
Even a very productive cow could only naturally produce about ten calves in her lifetime. A bull’s genetic merit has a much more significant influence due to numbers. So it is with great care that we select our herd and AI sires. See our Semen Listing for available semen.

PCC T&T Fullback 5404F
Red Angus Registration 3892907 2018 100% Red Angus, 1A
Fullback was the top-selling bull at the 2019 PCC Colorado Spring Bull Sale. He is the epitome of low-input, grass-based genetics. His calves come easy and are quick to nurse. He is an udder-improving bull. His dam has a perfect udder that is level, with small, evenly spaced teats. He is about a 3.5-frame bull that will moderate size and increase efficiency in his offspring. He has great thickness, muscling, and depth. He received five stars for all the traits PCC scores for.
We expect great things from this bull! Owned by Paul Landrigan, Wetovick Red Angus, and Pharo Cattle Co. Semen is available.
PCC DC Freedom 5012F
Red Angus Registration 4022772 2018 100% Red Angus, 1A, A2/A2, PAP 37
Freedom would have been the lead-off bull in the 2019 PCC Colorado Fall sale but was held out of the sale. Freedom possesses great fleshing ability and libido. He packs a little more power. He is about a 4-frame bull and weighed 1750 lbs as a 3-year-old (pictured). He has great depth and looks like a barrel most of the time.
Like our Roy bull, he gets put on a diet over the winter or he gets too fat. He is a 5-star bull with 4-star calving ease (we would argue 5-star after his first calf crop). Freedom will increase efficiency and add the fleshing ability to his offspring. He has a great set of testicles and covers cows quickly. He was used with Fullback in a multi-sire group with 90+ cows as a 2-year-old and achieved a 95%+ conception rate with 85% bred in the first cycle. He slicks off early and has good fly resistance. Semen is available.
Red Angus Registration 1569159 ASA 2706946 2011 75% Red Angus, 25% Fleckvieh Simmental, scurs.
116Y is an exceptionally thick and deep bull we purchased from Tim Ohlde of Ohlde Cattle Co. This bull is sired by one of the well-noted bulls from Roy Beeby: BB 5236 BBRED 6015. 6015 was well received in South America, with plenty of admirers for being forage efficient. Almost all cattle are grass-finished in South America, so to be well known among already forage-efficient cattle is quite an accomplishment. His MGS is OCC Hunter, whose quality is well known, and his MGD is a full-blood Fleckvieh (or Fleck, for short).
Tim hand-picked a dozen cows from the Arnold Brothers before they dispersed, and 116Y’s MGD was one of them. Fleck cattle are of German descent. If you know anything about German cars, Fleck cattle are just as well known for their quality. DNA testing showed that 116Y was in the top 15% for Residual Feed Intake. This was very apparent when we had to feed him straw and stems throughout the winter to keep him from getting too fat! He had a yearling scrotal size of 37 cm and a frame score of 4.3 at 1120 lbs. His mature measurements are 1950 lbs, four frames, and 45 cm scrotal.
When semen was tested, he scored 96% for motility and 97% for normal cells. Great genetics and forage-fed animals make a difference. He has a great disposition as well. See the videos below where Steve Campbell takes linear measurements with the pen. We have high expectations for this bull. Semen is available.
T &T Easy Kind A-06
Red Angus Registration 1594471 2013 100% Red Angus, 1A, A2/A2
Easy Kind is an Easy Red son out of an impeccable Right Kind daughter. He is moderate with a 3.7 yearling frame score and a 35 cm scrotal. His semen test results have always been 95+ for both percent motility and normal cells. We expect him to be an udder improver with great calving ease.
His first calves came easily and had great vigor. We do not doubt his longevity, fertility, calving ease, and low-maintenance traits because he was bred that way. But it is nice to have EPDs that back up our claims, and his do. As a calving ease bull, he packs plenty of muscle and has a masculine build. He has an excellent disposition, and his daughters have been quiet and calm. He is homozygous for A2 beta-casein (A2/A2).

Red Angus Registration 3483118 2015 100% Red Angus, 1A, A2/A2
Courageous is another impressive Easy Red son that packs a little more power and shape. His dam is a beautiful Cherokee Canyon daughter (X12) that we purchased in-dam from Buffalo Creek before they dispersed. She is a thick cow with a great udder. Courageous was born during a cold spring, that saw most birthweights about 5-10 lbs above our longterm average. He was on our radar since a calf, and we couldn’t wait to see how he developed. He will add thickness and fleshing ability, while still maintaining purebred status. He scanned well for carcass traits. He had a 38 cm scrotal as a yearling, with a frame score of 4, and tested homozygous for the A2 beta-casein (A2/A2).

Red Angus Registration 1748249 2015 100% Red Angus, 1A. A2/A2
We purchased COOLER as a baby calf, along with his dam, from OCC. I saw a full brother in Tim’s bullpen and really liked him, but he wasn’t for sale. Later that day we were looking through Tim’s cows and I saw COOLER with his dam and the negotiations began! COOLER is a smooth-made bull with extra capacity and plenty of shape. I liked the older Beeby pedigree on the top, and Eureka and EXT up close on the bottom. COOLER is a twin but posted a heavy weaning weight and the highest rate of gain. He has a great disposition and is around a 4 frame. He tested homozygous for the A2 beta-casein (A2/A2).

Red Angus Registration 1482457 2011 100% Black-Red Angus, II Video
We purchased 71L from Mark DeBoo at Diamond D Angus as a heifer bull. We were intrigued by his pedigree that combined genetics from Beeby, Beckton, and Diamond D. He is a grandson of Choctaw Chief 373, one of the great foundation Red Angus bulls. 71L is compact and well put together for a heifer bull, and he was developed without any grain! He had a 37 cm scrotal at 18 months and was a 3.5 frame. We look for some great replacement females from this bull. He tested homozygous for the A2 beta-casein (A2/A2).
AI Sires
Red Angus Registration 1622476 2009 100% Red Angus, 1A
We obtained semen on Easy Red from Tim Ohlde without ever having looked at the bull. Crazy, you may say, but I trusted Tim’s representation of this bull, and when he recommended that I use him, I didn’t bat an eye. When I was finally able to see him in person, boy was I glad I trusted Tim! Easy Red’s thickness and depth are impressive. He represents everything that the OCC program stands for, just in a red package. Tim said he is just under 5-frame, and I concur. Easy Red scored a 9 out of 10 for tenderness when DNA tested, making him an ideal sire for value-added marketing. He also tested homozygous for A2 beta-casein (A2/A2). His calves have not disappointed. T&T Easy Red A-03

Red Angus Registration 1017932 2004 100% Red Angus, 1A
Cash Crop is a moderate and efficient bull that was produced in the Pharo program. His capacity and thickness are commendable. His pedigree compliments what we were already doing: combining Buffalo Creek and Ohlde genetics. We look for his progeny to provide the next generation of functional and efficient cattle that have an edge when it comes to producing in grass-only programs. He tested homozygous for A2 beta-casein (A2/A2).
Our cows are very consistent, but we have a few standouts that we specifically look to for replacements and bulls. Though not perfect, these cows exhibit outstanding qualities that any forage developed program could be built around.

Red Angus Registration 1190715 2007 100% Red Angus, 1A
T245 is a cow that could be a donor in any program. We purchased her from the Buffalo Creek dispersal in Dec 2010 (lot 180). In their Feb 2011 bull sale, her first calf, Buffalo Creek Final Answer W004 (1329487), was the lead-off bull of that calf crop and sold to Silver Spur Ranches for $18,000. We can’t say enough about this cow. When we purchased her, she was due to calve in June. In two years we took her from a June calver to a February calver. That’s over 100 days in 2 years! This speaks volumes to her fertility. She is an easy-fleshing cow in a 4-frame package and weighs 1300 lbs (BCS 7). Her pedigree is stacked with great sires. She exhibits excellent muscle with great thickness and depth. All of our cows have good dispositions, but you can almost touch T245 in the pasture. She’s not a pet, just quiet and calm. If I could change anything about her, I would tighten up her udder a bit. Her Easy Red sired bull calves have been impressive. For photos, see T&T Easy Red A-03.

Simmental Registration 2884091 2005 SimAngus, 50% Angus, 50% Fleckvieh Simmental, Red Gene Carrier
Ever since we bought our 116Y herd bull from Tim Ohlde, we have been looking for a few cows with similar genetics. 183R is one of those cows. Sired by OCC Legend and out of one of Tim’s favorite Fleckvieh cows, 183R exhibits all the power and muscle you would expect from this cross, yet in a moderate package. She is a 5-frame cow and weighed in at 1340 lbs (BCS 7) just before calving in the fall. She has an exceptional udder and a great disposition. She was a donor for OCC and we look for her progeny to play an integral role in our breeding program. The Fleck influence is great for disposition, muscling, depth, fertility, and maternal calving ease. Combine this with the functionality, fleshing ability, calving ease, and ‘the look’ of OCC Legend, and you get a complete package. Tim said you can breed this cow any way you want, and she will still throw great calves. We can’t wait to see!

Simmental Registration 3008548 2005 SimAngus, 50% Angus, 50% Fleckvieh Simmental, Red Gene Carrier
The Fleck influenced cattle are impressive all the way around, and 186R is no exception. With a little more size, she sure packs the muscle and thickness into an attractive package, while still possessing all the convenience traits that we have come to expect from Ohlde cattle. You couldn’t ask for a better cross that exemplifies the best of both breeds. Her calves are equally impressive.

Red Angus Registration 1389223 2010 100% Red Angus, 1A
X12 is an extremely easy fleshing Cherokee Canyon daughter. Her dam was a donor cow for Buffalo Creek, where we purchased her before they dispersed. X12 has a good udder with a great disposition. She is super-sound with correct leg structure and solid feet.

Red Angus Registration 1594463 2013 100% Red Angus, 1A
A09 is a moderate and easy fleshing Easy Red daughter. She’s a gentle, good uddered cow, and one of the first Easy Red daughters to be put into production in our herd. She comes from a great line of easy-fleshing, low-maintenance cows that flat work. Her MGD, 9501, produced 15 natural calves and only missed one year while being flushed. Talk about longevity!
For Sale
From bulls to pairs, T&T Cattle provides high-elevation seedstock for the profit-minded rancher and farmer who are looking for cattle that can take care of themselves and not need a full-time babysitter. Your time is valuable, make your cattle work for you!

We are cooperators with Pharo Cattle Company. You can find our bulls at the Colorado PCC Bull Sales.
FALL 2023 COLORADO SALE – November 6, 2023 – Check back for updates!

High Elevation Cattle
We run our cows between 5500-7000 feet and have never had any issues. Out of curiosity, we started PAP-testing our bulls. ALL passed with flying colors! Buy with confidence for high-elevation use.

Parentage & Genomic DNA Testing

Bull Buy Back

Past Sales Results183R
Lot 111 – Kryptonite 5432K (4592843) sold for $9250. He was a stand-out bull as a calf and continued to impress as he developed.
Colorado Fall PCC Bull Sale, November 7, 2022
Lot 118 (421741), Lot 119 (4421717) & Lot 120 (4421823) all sold well with an average of $9733. All three were great bulls!
Colorado Spring PCC Bull Sale, April 18, 2022
Lot 150 – Jose Cuervo 7463J (4421731) sold for $8000 as a composite bull, because he had a white spot on his forehead. He has extraordinary thickness, depth and muscling. Kit said it well, “Jose is a STUD!” It’s funny he wasn’t on my list. Just goes to show how everyone has a different eye!
Lot 151 – Jackal 7450J (4421705) sold for $7500. He was a strip-faced, composite bull that wasn’t on my list either. Another great bull!
Colorado Spring PCC Bull Sale, April 19, 2021
Lot 136 – Hickory 5409H (4245222) sold for $7000. He was my choice of our bulls. He has great muscling and depth of body with 4-star calving ease.
Colorado Spring PCC Bull Sale, April 20, 2020
Lot 131 – Gondor 5452G (4084162) sold near the top at $10,500. He is out of an excellent 12-yr-old cow (T245) and our OCC Grazer bull.
Lot 176 – T&T Granite 7437G (4084140) sold for $8500. He is a solid red bull that is 25% Fleck. He will add thickness and depth with a touch of heterosis. His dam is the 183R cow out of OCC Legend.
T & T Bulls in Colorado Spring PCC Bull Sale, April 15, 2019
Lot 118 – Fullback 5404F, (3892907) was the high selling bull at $15,500. Fullback has a unique combination of calving ease and growth with excellent marbling and tenderness. He is thick and deep with a good set of testicles. He received 5-stars across the board for all the traits PCC scores. His progeny will perform exceptional whether on feed, on the rail, or in the grassfed market. Semen is available.